With all the Google updates and increasing competition for rankings, getting traffic to your blog can be tough. One strategy for promoting your blog that is usually overlooked though is joining blogging communities (also known as blog directories).
Blogging communities are basically just websites built for blogs of all different kinds of niches that help you get more eyeballs on your valuable content.
You can submit your blog and the community will get to see your posts. Some of these sites even use RSS to promote your posts as they are published.
This is a relatively new strategy for promotion for me that I just kind of recently stumbled upon that seems to be very powerful as long as you write good content.
Not only is it powerful when you use these communities, but after doing some research, I found there are hundreds of these sites built for bloggers.
If you want to boost your blog rankings, you better take a look at these blogging directories and start promoting. Here is a list of over 50 blogging communities or directories that I found:
1. Best Of The Web Blogs
A blog directory that is organized by categories. You can get your blog reviewed and listed here.
2. Bloggeries
A database with a clean design that’s goal is to help you find new blogs. You can also submit yours here and know that the directory is human edited for better quality.
3. Scoop.it
A popular site that helps you publish, discover and curate content to get more online exposure.
4. Inbound.org
Built as a community of inbound marketers. The goal of Inbound.org is to allow you to become a better marketer by sharing and discussing ideas, finding jobs and events, and building up a professional profile.
5. Hacker News
Calls itself an open-source clone of Trello (or github.com). You can build up a profile and submit collections of articles here, so it can be seen by its strong community.
6. Blog Catalog
You can submit your blog here where sites are listed by category. People can also search for blogs in this directory.
7. Blogarama
A clean website that allows you to submit your blog to its directory. Users can post reviews and find blogs by search or category.
8. Slashdot
You can submit stories here. It mostly focuses on science and technology. Stories come with a comments section for feedback.
9. Blog Hub
Blog Hub is a blog search directory or blog search engine. It isn’t the prettiest site in the world, but it can help your blog.
10. Regator
Regator curates the best articles and blogs from around the internet. You can submit your blog for review and once accepted, your latest posts will be featured on their website.
11. Ice Rocket
Backed by Mark Cuban and based in Dallas, TX, IceRocket has a high-priority indexing queue for blogs that you can submit to.
12. Blog Lovin’
It’s a site that helps you discover new blogs and get yours discovered by others. You can follow and like blogs kind of like a social media platform.
13. Eatonweb
Another blog directory that measures and ranks the best blogs. Where will your blog rank?
14. Ontoplist
Ontoplist helps you find new blogs to follow and even search for specific articles.
15. BlogTastic
BlogTastic is a small site that you can submit your blog to. Blogs can searched for using tags here.
16. Blog Search Engine
Here you can search for blogs and subscribe to a blog topic RSS feed of interest to you. And of course, you can submit your blog.
17. Globe of blogs
You can search for blogs by topic, author, title, location, etc. here. It’s a great place to submit your blog.
18. Bloggernity
It is a bloggers hangout and directory on the internet.
19. Bloggapedia
Another blog directory you can submit to.
20. Spillbean
Spillbean.com is a good place to submit your blog or find others where everything is categorized by different topics.
21. Blogging Fusion
Here you can browse, search, review and rate thousands of blogs.
22. Blogflux
Blogflux is just a simple blog community with 157,056 blogs as of writing this article.
23. Blog Listing
Here you can submit your blogs to directories with good Pagerank.
24. Spread My Blog
50 random blogs will be shown every time you reload the page, so you can discover more blogs and get yours discovered.
25. Top Blogging
This directory is sorted by unique visitors.
26. Million Blog List
They call themselves a “blogosphere experiment”. There goal is to see how long it will take to get 1,000,000 blog to list with their site.
27. Buzzer Hut
You can submit and advertise your blog here for more exposure.
28. Ave Blogs
Just an average directory with a submission service. Not was popular as some of the others.
29. Wil’s Domain
It includes a blog directory, job search and even classified ads.
30. Blogs Rater
Blogs are carefully reviewed before they are admitted on this site. This is great for higher quality blogs.
31. Blogo Wogo
Another directory for bloggers where people can also review your posts.
32. Get Blogs
It’s a blogging directory of over 11,000 weblogs in over 190 categories. It’s also human edited.
33. Total Blog Directory
A very nicely designed blogging directory with lots of categories.
34. The Ageless Project
This site is mostly for personal blogs that aren’t as business oriented. Its goal is to prove that the creative side of the internet is ageless by asking for your birth date when you submit for review.
35. Blog Rate Directory
It has submission for bloggers, reviews, tools and even a forum to help with all your needs in one blog community.
36. Blogdire
Blogdire is another blog directory and search engine with 680 blogs as of writing this article.
37. Blogbar
Their primary objective is to list high quality blogs in their directory.
38. Blogadr
Blogadr is a free blog directory that is human edited.
39. A1 Web Directory
This directory is organized by continents and topics.
40. Blogs By Country
Blogs are listed here by country.
41. Blogit
Blogit is a small community of bloggers.
42. Blog Rankers
These blogs are classified by country and categories. The home page has a ranking of the top blogs on the site.
43. Web-dir
Web-dir has been around since 2003 as an information directory where you can submit your site.
44. Loadedweb
Available in multiple countries, Loadedweb is a purely geo-centric directory of businesses, blogs and even Twitter users.
45. Blogville
You can search for blogs here by keywords, URL or using an advanced search.
46. LS Blogs
LSBlogs is an established blog search engine and directory. Submit blogs, blog hosts, tools and related sites here.
47. Blog Dirs
Another plain and simple blog directory for you to submit to.
48. Bloggernow
Bloggernow is a place to search for latest blog news, political and entertainment topics.
49. Blogs Collection
Search for blogs by category or country here.
50. Blog Top List
Includes blog ranking, categories and more.
51. Blog Top Sites
Another blogging community with a pretty good amount of traffic.
52. Blogs Rating
They call themselves one of the largest and most reputable authority review sites of blogs.
53. Blog Web Directory
It’s a searchable directory of weblogs selected by humans to ensure the highest quality results. There are also ratings and reviews.
54. Bloggers Directory
It’s more local and country based than most other communities or directories like it.
55. Blog Announce
They say they are one of the strongest directories rated by Aviva.
56. Blog-directory.org
This directory has a great Pagerank of 6 and pretty good traffic on top of that.