Saturday, 15 April 2017

Create a simple program with login using the Visual Studio 2010 and Mysql ~ mkniit

Create a simple program with login using the Visual Studio 2010 and Mysql

1. Create database in mysql with name “test” and create table with name “user”, like the below.

table user login

2. Create a new application project. In Visual Studio, on the menu click File> New  > Project. For more details, see the following menu on the display.

new project visual studio

3. Then will appear the window New Project like the look below.

new project windows form visual studio

4. Write down the name of the project that will be created on a field Name. Specify the directory storage project by accessing the field Location. Next, give the name of the solution in the Solution Name. Then click OK.

5. Then you will have created the framework of main program listings by Visual Studio. Here's how it looks.

6. Create a new windows form like the below

form login visual studio 2010

7. Create a new class for connection database and write the following program listing :

connection database class

8. Next step, Back to windows form and view code to write the following program listing:

listing program form login

 9. After you write down the program listings, press the F5 key to run the program and if you successfull connect your database the result is :

result program login

We have explained how to make a simple program by using visual studio 2010 login and mysql

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